
Pree’s Fish buns ( Maalu paan)

This is a very popular triangle bun in Srilanka. It has an authentic taste with a mix of vegetables and fish. It has a very high nutritional value and can use as a replacement of your meals during your travel. It is yummy and affordable for your modern life style.

Ingredients: Dough

Flour : 1  kg
Butter : 125 g (room temperature)
Sugar : 4 tablespoons
1 cup of milk
Dry yeast : 12 g
Milk powder: 4 tablespoons
1 egg and butter for egg wash
Salt : 2 tablespoons

Ingredients : Filling

500 g of fish or 2 tinned fish
Leeks :  250g
Potatoes or sweet potatoes : 250g
Cabbage : 250g
Carrots : 250g
Onions : 200g
Chilies : 200g (optional )
Curry powder : 2 tablespoons
Pepper : 2 tablespoons or more
Salt : 2 tablespoons or more, 
Garlic (optional)
Curry leaves
1 lemon for the taste and grinded Cinnamon/nutmeg/cloves
Cooking oil : 3 tablespoons

Making dough:

  • Take yeast and sugar mix it togetger with a little( microwaved) of warm milk
  • Cover with a cellophane paper and put aside for 10 min in hot room temperature Or in oven heated 40°C till permeated.
  •  Place the flour in your dough making bowl or normal bowl and put all ingredients and the yeast mix.
  •  Knead it 10 minutes and make a soft nonstick ball. 
  • Close the ball with a wet serviette and put in the 45°c heated oven for 1 and 1/2 hours till the mix doubled it size. 
  • Now take the dough and knead it again 5 min and divide it  into 16 balls.

Making filling:  

While your dough is in the oven 1 and 1/2 hours you can make the filling.

  • Cut all the vegetables into small pieces. Boil the potatoes or grate it like carrots 
  • Heat the oil in a pan and put onions, chillies, chopped garlics and curry leaves spices in.
  •  Fry till onions become transparent put all the other vegetables (without potatoes) and cook 5 min low flame.
  • Add curry powder  and salt. 
  • Then add small pieces of boiled fish or tinned fish and cook for another 5 min. 
  • Add smashed potatoes and cook for 2 min. 
  • Now this filling should be a non-stick paste. Add pepper off the flame and add lemon. 
  •  Let it cool down while the dough is baking in the oven. 

Making buns:


  • When the dough balls are ready put on a floured table flat with a pastry roller and make round pastry sheets.
  • Like in pictures put the filling in middle and make it like the pictures. (Stick the edges with water) 
  • Arrange the buns on a tray covered with baking paper, rub the egg wash on the buns and let it rest for 15 minutes.
  • Bake them 20 minutes on 180°C. 
  • When the buns are golden brown, take it out from oven and rub some butter on the buns with a brush to shine.


BOMBAY HALVA (homemade musket)

400g sugar, 225ml water, 2 tblsp. lemon, flavouring and colouring( cardamom powder, cashew nuts)

100g cornflour, 200ml water, 4 tblsp. ghee butter

  1. Take a bowl add sugar and water bring it to a boil, add lemon juice.In a small bowl add water to corn flour mix well so that it dosent form any lumps.In a non stick pan add ghee do not switch on the flame now add cornflour mixture to it and mix, now switch on the flame very low.
  2. when the mixture is thinking switch of the flame and add sugar syrup little by little and keep mixing to avoid lumps repeat the same till syrup is completed.
  3. Now switch on the flame and keep mixing now add ghee very slowly keep mixing repeat the same process till the ghee is completed.
  4. Now add colour ,flavouring,cardamom powder cook till ghee is oozeing out,now add broken cashewnuts mix well once it is done transfer it to a plate.
  5. Grease the plat with ghee and pour the mixture keep a side for 1hr and cut into small pices.
  6. (you can add colour and flavour to the sugar syrup too instead of last step)


Home made Hummus - Recipes

Home made Hummus

1 Can Chickpeas drained and rinsed
1/2 Cup Chickpea Water (from can)
1 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 tbsp Tamari(100%soy sauce)
3 Garlic Cloves
3 tbsp Tahini (sesame butter)
Splash of Lemon Juice
little pepper as ur taste
Puree all ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth. Add the Chickpea water slowly and as needed to make the hummus the right consistency.
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Miris embula

  Miris Embula

 250g red onions, sliced finely/250g chillies/250g tomatoes(billing02)

1/4 lb maldive fish pieces (optional)                                                
3-4 tbsp chilli powder
a sprig of curry leaves
Rampe, chopped into 1/2 inch pieces
2? cinnamon
5 cloves(optional)
5 cardamoms(optional)
5 tbsp vegetable oil
3 tbsp tamarind pulp
2 tbsp sugar or diet sugar (aspartum)
Salt to taste
Mix the first eight ingredients together. Heat a pan with oil. Add the onion,chillie.tomatoes mixture. Fry till caramelized.
Next add the tamarind pulp, sugar and salt to taste.
Cook for a few min   ( u can add 2 billing also if u like to replace tomatoes)


Watalappan in easy way

WATALAPPAN IN EASY WAY(deliciouse dessert in Srilankan style)
for 20 people
  500gKithul juggery halves
15 eggs
2 cups thick coconut milk(I mug) prefer coconut powder milk to keep more days)
1/4 tsp nutmeg (saadikka),cardamoms 7
1/4 cup cashew nuts, halved
Break the juggery into pieces or into 2.* Put into a saucepan with 1 cup of water with nutmeg, cardamoms and cook under medium heat till the juggery has completely dissolved and when syrup in good coloure too. Remove from fire and leave to be bit cool and add the coconut milk.
Beat the eggs seperately whites and yellows till frothy. (prefer with hand beater or half with electric and half with hand if u make in large quantity)
Next add the coconut-juggery mixture to the eggs, little at a time, while beating continuously. Make sure not to add the whole mixture to the eggs all at once, since this will curdle the eggs.
Transfer to a heat-proof bowl or pan.. Now you can cook the watalappan either on the stove or the oven. at final decorate with cashew halves after 20 min stove or oven and cont. cook(optional)
not to dissapear the nuts or after finish decorate with as u wish. ( cook with a pan is easy to serve.
or can put in to small cups and steam also easy to serve)
Stove-top directions: prefer
Tie the brim of the bowl with plastic wrap or oil paper. Set in a saucepan with water about 3 inches high. Boil till set (approx. 40-50 mins).
(Oven directions: never get the real appearance with holes in pudding
Cover the bowl with aluminum foil. Set in a larger pan with water about 1 inch high. Bake at 375 F for an hour. )

(Dried Fish)     Thel Dala


1/2 lb dried fish (katta or as ur taste)(wash the fish to remove excess salt)
1/2 tbsp Chillie Powder(optional and replace that with paprika to give the colour)
3 Tomatoes ,green chillies(maalu miris)cut into pieces

2 pieces of Goraka (gambooge)
1/2 tsp Dried Chillie Pieces
3 tbsp Oil , 03 Onion, sliced
5-6 Curry Leaves (optional)
Salt to Taste


Cut the dried fish into 1-inch cubes.
Heat the oil in a pan, and add the onions,goraka pieces and curry leaves.
When partially cook put the fish and reduce the heat and allow to fry with all and add tomatoes,maalu miris  and cook few min. to remain little gravy. Add chillie pieces and paprika fry for few seconds. remove goraka

pieces and add salt if needed.(if u want to keep in a bottle dont add tomatoes)

Biryani with fried eggs nd Mint Sambol

Biriyani with Mint Sambol
Serves 6.
1 lb meat (chicken/mutton), cut into 1 1/2" cubes
2 cups rice, washed and drained ,06 eggs
1/3 cup raisins (optional)
1/3 cup green peas (optional)
1/3 cup cashew nuts(optional)

5 cloves garlic, minced
1 inch piece of ginger, finely grated
1 tsp chillie powder(optional)
1 tbsp curry powder
2 medium onions, sliced into rings
2 medium tomatoes, diced
5 mint leaves +50g mint leaves,coconut ,4green chillies,salt,lemon/vinegar,

ginger slice
1/2 tsp of turmeric
3 large potatoes, peeled and diced
5 tbsp butter or ghee
3 cardamoms
3 cloves
2 inch stick of cinnamon
salt to taste

(Saute the onions,boiled eggs and the cashew in the butter until golden brown,
about 5-7 minutes. Add the green peas and raisins and fry for a
few more minutes. Remove from the fire, and put them aside.)

Chop all together ginger, garlic, chillie powder, curry powderand put into the
same pan used above and saute for 3-4 minutes. Add the meat and
saute. Mutton should be sauted for about 7-8 minutes, while the
chicken will take about 4-5 minutes. The meat should be about half
cooked at the end of this step.

Add chopped tomatoes,  turmeric, mintleaves
 and salt in to a paste with the grinder and saute for 2 minutes. Add a little water and put cardamoms,cloves and cinnamon stick into a little cheese cloth bag and put into the pan(if not difficult to remove after finish) 
and cook until the meat is almost cooked. Now add the rice and
potatoes. Add the rest of the water and simmer covered, on a very
low flame for 15-20 minutes, until the rice is cooked.

If you are using a rice cooker the transfer the meat to the rice cooker,
add the rice and sufficient water and cook according to directions.

Serve hot, garnished with the fried onions. And serve with mint sambol.(Mint leaves 50g+greenchillies3or4+coconut+salt+ginger>>blend together with a blender and finally put little lemon juice/vinegar to taste.